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As Quick Lease Car Rentals, we serve Dubai and Abu Dhabi with SUVs, economy cars, and luxury cars at affordable prices. The prices of these cars are different based on their models. The minimum price at which you can avail of a car for 24 hours is AED 45 and for a month is AED 1275. These prices are too less according to the market prices in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Through Quick Lease Car Rentals, it is easy and affordable to rent a car in Dubai for a month. International visitors often visit Dubai and get cars to rent as they live there temporarily. So, it becomes easy and money-saving to rent a car. 


We maintain our vehicles regularly to make them reliable and avoid any problems. Visitors here are not much familiar with the things here, so we make sure to provide them as many comfortabilities as through car we can. Also, we offer maintenance services to our customers so they can solve any problem quickly. We send our team wherever you are in Dubai to solve the problems related to vehicles, if any. It also provides our customers peace of mind, increasing their trust in us. And they keep getting our services whenever they visit here. Residents of Dubai and Abu Dhabi also benefit from our services and get vehicles on rent and lease.

Cars and Services

We hold a stock of more than 100 cars of different models and prices. These cars include Chevrolet, KIA, Nissan, Peugeot, Mercedes, Rolls Royce, etc. These all are available at competitive prices. We offer different lease car policies, depending on customers and how they feel it easy. When it is concerned with getting a car on a lease, customers have numerous options, which is why there is high competition in the market. Maintaining the position among the best sellers costs us to facilitate and save the money of customers as much as we can.

Final Thoughts

As Quick Lease Car Rentals serving in Dubai, we have dealt with numerous companies and individual customers. Impressed by our services, all our customers contact us when they need vehicles on rent or lease. We provide maintenance and delivery services free at each corner of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. If you are looking forward to renting a car, contact us on our site and enjoy our services.

Luxury Car Rentals in Dubai